Thursday, March 27, 2008

No connection between Hussein and al-Qaida

This is obviously very old news, but also very notable. It was announced around March 14th by the Pentagon. Apparently they can definitively say that there never was a connection between Saddam Hussein, former leader of Iraq, and al-Qaida. I think that many people suspected this, but there’s just something about hearing the government come out and say it. We have been in this war for five years now and the majority of the United States’ rationales for entering it have been disappointed. After September 11th, we were told that those who were responsible for the deaths would be held responsible. We were later lead to believe that Saddam Hussein was somehow linked to the terrorist group responsible for the attack and therefore was responsible himself. Now we find that this isn’t the case. We were also told that Iraq had the now famous (or infamous) “weapons of mass destruction.” We have yet to ever find those either. Remarks have been made that people in Iraq hid them, but I am curious to know how one effectively hides and moves excessively potent atomic or biological weapons. I’m guessing they’re pretty big. So now that these are disproved the only rationale we’re left with is that we’re spreading freedom to the people of Iraq. Congratulations. We’ve finally found a rationale that no one could possibly argue with without being an evil person.

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