Thursday, May 1, 2008


Usually I’m not the cynical, I’m-too-mature-for-high-school-thing type of person. However, one major exception to this is people who feel the need to share their deep passion for each other in the hallway. And usually even this isn’t much of a problem as one can choose to simply ignore them. In the past few days, though, the national alert of PDA has reached alarmingly new and high levels. Because of this, I must beg the general public of my high school: please desist your groping and kissing!
This became a problem when I returned to my locker after school one day and found that a new group had decided to make the same area their new home. Up against the opposite wall, they stared deeply into each others’ eyes and kissed….right in front of me. Now I find that my new friends are there every single day just groping away. This is rather awkward as such obvious and “passionate” PDA is like some sort of car wreck that you just cannot look away from. And trust me, you want and need to for your own sanity.
So before you start this dangerous habit, think about everyone else. I know you’re just so deeply in “love,” but the rest of us are trying so hard not to vomit.


Kristine said...

You made a rhyme: there every single day just groping away.

And I agree. GROSS!

. said...

you could walk up behind them and just scream really loud and see if one of them bites down on teh other's tongue... that might keep them away from the lockers for awhile :)